Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ok...so a very big week to catch everyone up on. 2nd session at camp is over and 3rd session starts tomarrow. I will be in a cabin this session, Tuskie, working with 14 ten-twelve year olds. They look naughty on paper, so we will see how the next ten days go. We have a holiday every session at camp, and this session is Christmas and it is the most fun! I love it and the kids love it so it is a great time. I am nervous about working in "boys field", which are the normal boys. They can be really difficult, but the supervisor of the boys wanted me in one of his cabins, and everyone here seems to have faith in me!
Sooooo..... I am living with five roomates. Found them last night scurring around my electric fuse box in my room. MICE! YIKES!!! they are cute and i think we scared them off and took their home away, but time will tell. If I see one again, I will have to find somewhere else to live this session!

ON to my weekend. SOOO the guy i went out with a few times in CO was in town, here in NY, this weekend for a wedding. So once he was done with his friends wedding things, he came to camp for a 1.5days and hung out with me. I had a great time!!!!! we just hung out the first night, went to dinner, got a drink and watched the sun set on Lake Erie. Then yesterday, we went to the Falls and just hung out. It was a really great time. He knows i like him and am crushin ....it works and we seem to have a good time together....who knows what that means right now, but i am having fun an think he is really great

so a little laundry to finish and then to bed! more later!

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