Wednesday, July 25, 2007

not a lot to say tonight. I am on duty in Tuskie, only my second night on so not too bad. Last night was our sleep out and we camped on the back porch....well....until 4am that is. Then is started to rain. The three councelors that were on, well...we had those boys up and back to the cabin and back asleep in less than 15 min. then it was sunshine day today...a big crazy day every session at camp and games in the field tonight. Needless to say, both the kiddos and the councelors are Exhausted! We played dodgeball, SPUD, and potato stamp tag, and an about 10miles doing all of this. Yikes. I am more than ready to get these boys home! I need some sleep!
My phone is working! i am not sure i love the new phone, but will adjust i suppose. So feel free to call or text me to let me know your number, as i lost all my numbers in the 'accident'. I am also not setting up my voice mail message untill i no longer sound like a man.!!! my voice is long gone and i have a raspy thing going on!! kinda sexy! ok...not really, but since i am stuck with this for awhile, ya gotta tell yourself something! anyway, boys go home FRIDAY!!! then i am off till Tues! Wahoo!

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