Thursday, November 15, 2007

Obviously i am back from omaha at thisn point,but wishing i would have stayed a while longer and seen jamie a little more. the weekend was great, and the shower went well. Everyone seemed to have a nice time. I had a lot of fun seeing people, and am super stoked for the wedding...still unsure about the date situation, but have a about 2 weeks to decided what i want to do.
SO...apparently i am on extended vacation here. We are super slow in the NICU and have only about 15-17 babies right who is the first one cancelled? ME! I am super bored and just want to paid. What a great time of year to not be working! I can't ski the next few days, as they might call me at any minute and ask me to come it..a chance i will jump at at any moment.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I am in Omaha, Have been up since 3pm yesterday, it is now 29 hours and counting. I did pull over and sleep in my Jeep for 2hours, and feel pretty good. the tummy is growlin. I think Andy is right, omaha is amazing, I heart it here, and he is not ever going to graduate if he continues to have this attn span and surf the net! GET OFF MY PAGE AND WORK ON THAT THESIS!!! Then you can peek!
so headed to omaha in the morning!!! Jamie's bridal shower and PARTY!!! I can hardly wait to get there and hang out with jamiers. I never get to see her and miss her like crazy, we are two wild ones when we get together and although we talk almost every day, we still have lots to catch up on!

So some boy drama...not to much here, keeping it all a little secret untill i know more is probably a better idea. Have not talked to a certain boy in over a week, and am stragely ok with it. His friends kinda threw him under the bus on Halloween and although I wasn't upset about it, I told him and I think that he is worried about it for some reason. OH WELL>>>>>I have way better/more exctiting/better behaved things on my plate!

Have been out with someone else a couple times in the last few weeks. Not really out out, just once on a quote "real" date, but I like just hanging out and chilling at home with this one. he is super duper sweet and is really really really a nice genuine guy. I think he gets me more than just about anyone I know, and that is so important right now. Things are going PERFECT and I just can't shake that good feeling about this right now.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

so today is the day! HALLOWEEN and I have a rockin Pippi Longstocking costume, complete with the monkey! I skied this morning and it rocked, i was out there cruzin on some soft snow and basically skiing balls to the walls fast. It was great! My legs get a little tired after about 5 runs, so I took a break and then did five more....basically the locals call 10runs a full day. I skied in my underarmour and fleece jacket. It was so nice and sunny! Watched Brian EAT IT hard from about 8 feet in the air off the box in the park. went with him to the ski patrol station. he was banged up pretty goo!
so at the library now, just hanging out, then shower and get ready to take Brayden out tonight for trick-or-treating. We are headed to the rec center in idaho springs, even though matt strongly suggested we not show. Perhaps does not want to be seen in his costume. WHO CARES! we are SOOOOOO going! then to the fire station for some candy that the 19month old brayden cant eat!
maybe a big sit down convo tonight. A friend has tried to start a conversation with me 2 different times and I want to hear him out and see what he has to say. I really have no idea what he is up to, but of course I know exactly what I want to sammers says let him talk first then me. Hopefully i can catch him tonight, this is starting to bug me, better just to talk it out! we will just see what happens, more to come about this laters! anyway, hope everyone has fun and safe night!

Friday, October 19, 2007

ROCKTOBER!!!! Amazing~ all I have to say about the post season show the Rockies have put on thus far. World Series is less than a week away, and I ( along with every other person in the world) am praying to get tickets.
The Jeep still ROCKS! I heart my new car and have been getting really great gas mileage so far. Lets just keep those fingers crossed. I have so far had a rough week....started out great with an impromptu get together with a friend for some frisbee golf, which i am ok at....and then out with another friend to watch the game. T AAARRGGGG!

The downfall of the week came Tuesday with my first day shift in forever...thats what you get for being the new girl...and the very traumatic and tragic death of a very very very sweet little baby that had stolen my heart. It has been a hard few days just remembering that I do work in an ICU, which is sometimes hard to remember. It was a rough day Tues, but I am doing ok.....many tears later. Good friends Tuesday night made the evening look a little better. It is just so sad, but such is life.

on a slightly lighter note i have decided against cable and have joined the gym instead. Figured that paying for cable is not what i want to do right now and being active is better for the mind and body. No big weekend plans yet....let me plans for saturday and a date on sunday...what we are going to go i have no idea....lets hope it is nice outside. Maybe skiing on monday, it sounds like the snow is amazing and I think that I am ready ... Plus my legs are a little more ready for the day. More laters

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dear Binder family....send me a photo that I can put in a frame....of all your georgeous faces!
On a side note.....I bought a car today! YIKES! It is amazing....a brand new 2007 jeep liberty. It rocks! And i traded my focus (tear) and the xterra (wahooo) so i only have one vehicle! This is great! more about this later....they are detailing it right now and i pick it up in one hour!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More random thoughts....

I believe in the garter toss but not the bouquet throw ~ketsup goes with almost any meat~ I duck anytime something hit my windshield~ I look in every car that I pass~ I will never date a fireman again~ I am not afraid of spiders, but am terrified of crickets and grasshoppers~ I hate almost all snowboarders~ I have very few regrets in life, only 2 really and both have to do with boys~ I think that if you are a best friend of a boy, you get to go to the bachelor party~ My cough doesn't bother me, only other people~ I do not really like chocolate chips in cookies~ I have never eaten an anchovie~ Grilled pineapple is the yummiest thing on this planet!~ I do not wear socks in bed, even if my feet are freezing~ I sleep on my stomach, but can't lay on my tummy on the floor without getting a stomach ache~ I say potty and don't think there is anything wrong with that~ I love it when a boy kisses you and puts his hand behind you ear and on your cheek~ I have more zits now that i am in my 20's than i ever did in highschool~ I only talk to two people that I went to highschool with~ I have more friends that i see less than 3 times a year, than i hang out with locally~ wes and his poetry karate are the funniest thing i have ever seen~ I respect him for having such confidence and wish i had that much~people inately trust me with secrets...even though i cannot keep one and tell people that very openly~